Published on 29.03.2021

INDIGO Group strengthens its CSR policy by adopting a four-year strategic plan.


Paris-La Défense, March 29, 2021. In 2021, INDIGO will commit to a goal of carbon neutrality by 2025. The world leader in parking and personal mobility will also join the United Nations Global Compact program, thereby committing to work towards sustainable and inclusive economic development.

INDIGO Group has decided to make a strong commitment to the environment, based on the Paris Agreements and the concept of carbon neutrality. The group is therefore launching its internal “GO for Climate” program, with a goal of carbon neutrality by 2025 for its direct and indirect emissions linked to energy consumption (scopes 1 and 2) and control of other indirect emissions, such as those of its suppliers (scope 3) by 2050. In concrete terms, this translates into several actions such as the greening of the fleet, the purchase of green electricity and a significant investment in the switch to LEDs in its parking lots. In addition, the group is promoting the development of soft mobility with an ambitious strategy of deploying charging points for electric vehicles and a complete bicycle offer for its customers.

At the same time, INDIGO Group has adopted a strategic plan to strengthen its CSR commitments for the time period of 2021-2024. Eager to harmonize and share its social and environmental responsibility initiatives with its 14,500 employees worldwide, the group has decided to focus its solidarity actions each year on a theme linked to the United Nations’ sustainable development goals: social commitment in 2021, biodiversity in 2022, sustainable and supportive cities in 2023, and commitment to sport in 2024, the Olympic year. Each year, three actions will be developed in each country around the chosen theme.

The theme for 2021 is: “All INDIGO, all committed! “. Committed to its employees, but also to the causes that extend beyond the INDIGO group and that are embodied in the charities that the group supports, at the heart of the territories. Accompanying and developing its talents is also one of its top priorities. INDIGO is setting up barometers to measure employee satisfaction and is launching a major project to welcome and monitor new arrivals (“Onboarding”), which will be in place by the end of the year. Finally, each country where the group is present will launch its own initiatives in line with its key value: solidarity.

In 2022, INDIGO will join the United Nations Global Compact and commit to ten principles in the areas of human rights, labor law, the environment and anti-corruption. The group will thus join forces with 13,000 companies in 170 countries (including 1,300 in France) to contribute to the UN’s universal commitment to building a more sustainable and inclusive world. Each year, INDIGO will publish a report on the progress it has made in these ten areas.

Another major commitment: in 2023, to support its actions in favor of cities and their inhabitants, the group has decided to create a Foundation that will support initiatives in favor of youth and local economic development.

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